Physiotherapy Bangkok

Address the CAUSE! Not the Symptom.

Fitcorp Asia offers physical assessments and rehabilitation of:  sports injuries, back pain, sacro-iliac dysfunction, cervical pain, radicular symptoms, headaches and more.

Many people(both therapists and patients) will talk about how ‘connected’ all of the body is and how one problem can cause symptoms elsewhere but then they focus only on where pain symptoms arise. Think about how dangerous it would be if you told the physician about left arm and neck pain that arose with running up the stairs and he focused on your arm alone.  These are classic symptoms of a heart attack. Pain won’t tell the whole story. Now, if your therapist blindly chases pain in this way, the consequences are not quite so dire, but focusing only on pain is a bad idea for physicians and therapists because ‘pain is a liar’.  Chasing pain symptoms without looking systematically for the ‘lesions'(dysfunctions) that drive those symptoms leads to poor outcomes and frustration.  Our therapist focuses on the dysfunctions that lead to pain and weakness. That could mean finding a sacro-iliac or thoracic dysfunction driving back pain or a rib dysfunction and muscle imbalance driving neck or head ache pain.

Of course, diagnosing the problem is only half the battle. A physician might be the greatest diagnostician in the world, but if he follows that with prescribing penicillin for every single problem from ankle fractures to kidney disease you aren’t going to get very far either. Manual therapy is no different. The therapist must have the manual skills to treat dysfunctions to be affective.   That means dealing with how the nervous system interplays with: joints, muscles, fascia and circulation. Dysfunctions lead the nervous system to respond in several ways: most notably inhibiting muscle function or increasing tone/tension in a protective response. Those muscle imbalances don’t just go away by throwing exercises or a heating pad at them. Dysfunctions have to be removed for the nervous system to return the musculoskeletal system to normal efficient function. Then strengthening can be an effective strategy.

Manual techniques provided by Fitcorp Asia include:

  • Joint and Spine Mobilization
  • Deep Tissue & Sports Massage
  • Trigger Point Therapy
  • Osteopathic Manual Therapy
  • Myofascial Release

We could say that we specialized in Hip, Shoulder, Cervical Pain and Lower Back Pain but the truth is that we specialize in The Body.

The goal is not only pain relief, but gaining the joint, muscle, fascia mobility and body awareness that normalize function and reduce the chances of future pain.

Restoring health and optimal function is our primary objective.

If you have an injury, chronic unresolved pain or just a nagging pain that is bothering you, do something about it and email Fitcorp Asia HERE  to make an appointment for an assessment.

Just one of our happy clients:

“For years I’ve had a lot of muscle knots and tension my back and after a few days of traveling with heavy luggage, I was in desperate need of some deep muscle work. I needed something other than the usual Thai or oil massages found in Bangkok. Web searches didn’t produce many results, but I finally found Fitcorp just outside of Asoke BTS station. I left my contact information with the front desk and was later contacted by their therapist. He spent time on the phone to figure out exactly what I was looking for and what he could do for me. I was impressed so I made an appointment for later that evening. He was extremely thorough and explained in detail what was causing my tension. He then proceeded to work on the troubled areas all while explaining what he was doing and how it affects my body. I’ve had a lot of deep tissue massages before, but none quite like his. He was the most thorough and knowledgeable masseuse I’ve met. Now, after 4 days and more traveling, I feel great!! I’m looking forward to the next time I can get some work done by him. Thank you!”  

Dusty W.

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