Developing athleticism in youth – Aspire Youth Training Camp 2012

athleticismThe definition of athleticism is “the ability to execute athletic movements at optimum speed with precision, style, and grace in the context of a given sport or activity” and “the base and foundation of athleticism is coordination”, according to a famous performance coach Vern Gambetta.

Being athletic is about linking all the parts of the body (kinetic chain) in to work in harmony with smooth, efficient movement patterns. So how do we train and develop athleticism at AYTC?

Joseph Drabik, one of the leading experts in youth physical development, defines coordination as components of “balance, kinesthetic differentiation, spatial awareness, reaction, rhythm, movement adequacy and synchronization of movements”.

With creativity and imagination as well as a research-based program design, AYTC targets all components of coordination to promote a broad range of motor skills developed through free play and exposure to many varied motor programs and movement patterns that will transfer to specific sports and enhance performance and physical abilities.

The AYTC 2012 starts June 18 and continues for 8 weeks and it’s possible to join at any time during the duration of that time. Sign up today and take advantage of this great and unique opportunity for youth in and around Bangkok to be active, healthy, and stay fit!

Visit or call 08-7672 7452 to reserve your spot!

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