Personalized Wellness, Biological Fitness, Genetic Based Nutrition Planning
Discover your Personalized Blueprint Strategy to ultimate health, energy and longevity
Genetic testing involves examining your DNA, the chemical database that carries instructions for your body’s functions.
Genetic testing can reveal how your genes behave and respond, so you can determine a personalized approach to optimal health, fitness and weight loss without disease.
The results will allow our medical and health specialists to develop and design personalized health, fitness, lifestyle and nutrition plans to ensure you achieve better results, in less time and live longer.
Your DNA is the blueprint for all the instructions in your body. Knowing your genetic results will enable you to live optimally and interact with your genes for their best way to function.

Super Simple Collection

Activate Your DNA Sample Collection Kit

Collect your saliva sample, using the swab

We send your sample to the lab
Your DNA holds the key to what works best for you
Research has shown that 80% of fitness goals fail because the plan is too hard to follow. With AspireDNA you eliminate the guess work and confusion surrounding the most effective nutrition and lifestyle plan for you. We’ve done all the hard work. You can now discover your own precise and personalized plan designed just for you.
A good diet isn’t always the right diet
Our genes reveal why two people can eat the exact same foods and experience differences with weight loss. By analyzing over 150 genetic markers AspireDNA can tell you the most precise diet that’s right for you.

Why You Need AspireDNA Genetics?
- Chose from 125 or 500 Genetic Reports with 99.9% accuracy..
- The most comprehensive test available in the world today. Constantly being updated as technology evolves.
- Know exactly what nutrition plan and what type of exercise to follow.
- 287% better results when you follow a genetic appropriate plan.
- The ONLY way to achieve personalized lifestyle design with medical and expert intervention.
- No more guessing, following fad diets and working out with no results..9
Lose up to 3x more weight on your DNA diet
A recent study showed that people who ate a genetically appropriate diet experienced 287% more weight loss over 12 months than a control group who followed a random program.
Deciding between Mediterranean or low-carb diet? The research shows while they both might be good, only one works better for you! That’s why it’s called precision lifestyle programming.

Why you benefit from From Testing Your genes
Your results will provide you with information about your unique genetic profile, personalized meal plans, and access to a genetic specialist and medical doctor who specializes in endocrinology to share the details of your results – empowering you with the necessary tools and knowledge to live a healthier lifestyle.
Actionable results can be used to make behavioral changes, gain insight into overall health and help make proactive, informed decisions regarding diet, exercise and overall lifestyle.

With AspireDNA you will learn:
Your personalized genetic nutrition profile, including the perfect ratio of carbs, proteins, and fats for your body.
How to make proactive decisions regarding diet, exercise, & lifestyle based on your DNA.
Gain insight into your genetic predisposition for exercise so you know if you’ll get the most benefit from endurance or strength training.