Training on the go: your hotel room is your best friend

If you’re like me, you must spend an awful lot of time waiting for the customs officer to wake up, waiting for the conveyor belt to belch out your luggage, waiting for the hotel receptionist to process your credit card…

You’re a frequent flyer but have very little time to dedicate to maintaining your shape ? Read on because I’d like to introduce you to your new best friend.

Instead of making up excuses or wasting precious business hours trying to find a decent gym when you’re stuck in Kuala Lumpur on a connect flight to Jakarta, why don’t you train in your own personal fitness facility ? Yes, your hotel room is perfectly suitable. Whether it’s small or comprised of four bathrooms, you can make the best of it by taking a few simple steps towards repurposing it.

Start by making some space and push aside any furniture that’s within two meters of where you stand. Now that you’re all set, let the 10-minute corporate fitness session begin!


side plank left

Lay on your Left Side and Left Forearm. Lift your hips and knees from the floor, resting your weight onto the side of your foot and forearm. Hold for 30-60 seconds.

This is one tough core exercise that targets your Obliques. Your objective is to stay in a good neutral alignment, with your chest out. Breathe deeply and slowly! HOLD FOR 30-60 SECONDS BEFORE MOVING TO THE OTHER SIDE.

side plank right

Lay on your Right Side and Right Forearm. Lift your hips and knees from the floor, resting your weight onto the side of your foot and forearm. Hold for 30-60 seconds.

This is one tough core exercise that targets your Obliques. Your objective is to stay in a good neutral alignment, with your chest out. Breathe deeply and slowly through your nose! HOLD FOR 30-60 SECONDS BEFORE MOVING TO THE OTHER SIDE.


Begin in a ready-squat position. Imagine your hips are sitting backward into a chair.

Using the power of your Glutes, jump up into the air.

Make sure you land directly into the squat-ready position, with your hips back “into the chair.”

This is a very challenging lower body exercise that requires power and endurance. Beginners focus on leaving the ground only an inch or so, like an accelerated squat. As you become more advanced and feel comfortable, you can begin to jump higher. PERFORM 5-10 REPETITIONS BEFORE MOVING TO THE NEXT EXERCISE.

Repeat these exercises three times in a row for a complete 10-minute workout that can be done anywhere (provided that you have a purple rug handy).

Please share your thoughts on twitter and reach us @fitcorpasia we’d be more than happy to get your feedback about our articles!

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Dan Remon


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