***Looking for 10 women and 10 men who want to transform their bodies ***
We have been running transformation programs for over 12 years in Bangkok. And now we are stepping up with even more.
February 15th is the launch of the 8-Week Clean & Lean Transformation program.
Only serious applications who want to truly dedicate themselves to transformation need to apply. There are 30,000 baht up for grabs for the best transformation. This is not about weight loss.
This is about CHANGE & TRANSFORMATION. Results only. So if you’re only looking for a cheap cookie-cutter quick fix, then this probably isn’t the right program for you.
This program is designed by professionals, with Degrees in Exercise Science, Kinesiology and the support of Doctors who specialize in Endocrinology and Ph.D. in Genetics. This IS the difference. 20 years of experience in the industry. Solid educational backgrounds by professionals.
These are all real clients from previous programs and you can find more atwww.personaltrainingbangkok.com