Energy drinks: Yes or No?

Since the start of the 21st century, the sports and energy drink market has made a rapid entrance into the beverage market. Led by brands such as Red Bull and Monster, the industry continues to expand with new brands, new flavours and new ways to entice consumers to see the benefits of regularly adding an energy drink into one’s diet.

With bold colours and designs, some of these manufacturers have gathered a large and loyal fan base of consumers and enthusiasts. Particularly the younger generation is one that these performance-enhancing brands are targeting; new research shows that more than 70% of children in the western world, aged 12 and older, regularly drink more than 2 energy drinks per week. For adults, this is close to 50%.

Scientists also attribute incremental consumption to the image of being “cool” when drinking energy drinks. Adding to the ease of obtaining some of the most brightly coloured liquids, major beverage producers such as Pepsi and Coca-Cola have purchased major stakes in the energy and sports drink market.

When roughly looking at the definition of an energy drink, it all revolves around performance in liquid form. A well-marketed solution to boost your energy levels and be more productive when needed. Digging deeper into the ingredients, these drinks indeed contain elements that may have these, however in such an amount that it does more harm than good.

Energy drinks contain excessive amounts of caffeine, added sugars, and other additives that may benefit alertness and attention. It is the excess consumption of these ingredients, particularly caffeine, that can have a major effect on the overall development of children and impairment on various levels.

Particularly the sugar content in these beverages may be a contributor to spiking insulin levels and thus, substantially increase the risk of obesity.

Numerous Pubmed studies indicate the toxicity levels these days in sports and energy drinks remain within legal limits but do not add any benefit. Side effects such as insomnia (excessive caffeine), dehydration, and even feelings of nervousness (sugar content) are prime indicators that one may need to cut down on drinking these energy drinks. Aside from the fact that still traces of illicit substances have been recorded.

Just like with everything, energy drinks do have their place in whatever form or volume.

All our personal fitness trainers are eager to share what is best to consume when performance is on your mind. Aspire considers the rise of these sports and energy drinks as a novelty without solid evidence to affirm their effectiveness in performance. 

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Dan Remon


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