Altitude Training

Aspire by Fitcorp Asia is THE FIRST altitude training facility in South east Asia, and the very first in Bangkok Thailand.

Securing Fitcorp Asia’s position as the number one trainign facility in the region.

What is Altitude Training?

Altitude Training is exercising at altitude exposure. Altitude Training System is the advance technology that simulate low oxygen level of high altitude and bring it to your home.

Exercising at high altitude causes physiological adaptations, such as increased erythropoietin (EPO) levels which stimulates the production of red blood cell which carry oxygen to the muscles. Up to the point, the more oxygen carried to muscles the better you can improve athletic performance within less time.

Benefits of Altitude Training:

By successfully integrating altitude training in to your routine you will be gaining benefits such as –

  • Time efficient training
  • increased metabolism
  • Increased self esteem
  • Positive mental attitude
  • Improved sleep
  • Improved cardio vascular health

Don’t stress! Exercise should help you enjoy life and enhance that lifestyle you deserve. Altitude training is time efficient and extremely productive. The low stress way to achieve your goals.

You don’t need to be climbing Kilimanjaro or skiing in Aspen to benefit from altitude training however after conducting our training routines you may decide too!

Individual, personal training sessions or group sessions such as Alti – FIT or Alti BOX will motivate and help make this effective training method become an enjoyable part of your lifestyle.

Training at Altitude has been used to improve athletic performance for decades. Since the Mexico Olympic Games (when the effects of Altitude on Sports Performance were first made obvious) many teams and individuals use Altitude Training as part of their preparation.

Benefits for Sports Performance include:

  • Enhanced power output and speed
  • Improved strength and endurance
  • Increased exercise-till-exhaustion (ETE) time
  • Reduced recovery time after exertion
  • Decreased resting heart-rate and blood pressure
  • Maintenance of cardiovascular fitness when injured
  • Diminished overall fatigue

ATS products allow this powerful tool to be accessed by athletes of all standards without the expense and time required to travel to real altitude.

Training at Altitude has been used to improve athletic performance for decades. Since the Mexico Olympic Games (when the effects of Altitude on Sports Performance were first made obvious) many teams and individuals use Altitude Training as part of their preparation.

ATS products allow this powerful tool to be accessed by athletes of all standards without the expense and time required to travel to real altitude. Simulated Altitude Training (SAT) also allows a mix of altitude and quality training to maximise performance. Recent research is quantifying the reasons and physiology behind the effects of Altitude training, and ATS is working with expert coaches and sports scientists to develop optimal training protocols.

SAT will help athletes of all standards reach their optimal performance potential: improvements in repeat sprint effort; oxygen carrying capacity of the blood and other cardio-vascular improvements are all facilitated by altitude training. SAT is a time-efficient and scientifically based training tool that can form part of any athletes training program- from the elite to the weekend warrior.

Hypoxic training improves a number of important parameters in sports performance. Recent research using Simulated Altitude Training (SAT) systems has shown improved performance at sea level following a block of SAT in elite cyclists (1). Other studies (2, 3, 4) demonstrate positive effects such as improved repeat sprint performance, increased anabolic hormonal responses and increased red blood cell mass following SAT training programs.

The mechanisms for this are still being researched, but oxygen delivery and utilisation at a number of levels (mechanical and cellular) as well a improved buffering capacity have been demonstrated (5,6,7) . Most of the immediate benefits to sports performance involve a qualitative improvement in the physiological systems related to oxygen delivery and energy utilisation.

The most significant results in sports performance come from effectively integrated SAT programs, with individual monitoring and progression. ATS has the resources and experience to assist any athlete achieve the best possible results from Simulated Altitude Training.

  1. Czuba, M et al. The effect of intermittent hypoxic training on aerobic capacity and endurance performance in elite cyclists. JSSM (2011) 10, p175-183.
  2. Millet, G. et al. Combining hypoxic methods for peak performance. Sports Med (2010) 40 (1): pp 1-25.
  3. Kon, M et al. Effects of acute hypoxia on metabolic and hormonal responses to resistance exercise. Med and Sci in Sport and Ex (2010) 42 (7), p 1279-1285.
  4. Robertson, Y et al.  Effect of intermittent training in hypoxia combined with live high/train low.Eur J Appl Physiol (2010), DOI 10.1007/500421-010-1516-5. May 2010.
  5. Dufor, S et al. Exercise training in normobaric hypoxia in endurance runners: I: Improvement in aerobic performance capacity. J. Appl. Physiol (2006) 100: p 1238-1248.
  6. Ponsot, et al. Exercise training in normobaric hypoxia in endurance runners: II: Improvement of mitochondrial properties in skeletal muscle. J App Physiol (2006) 100: p 1249-1257
  7. Zoll, et al. Exercise training in normobaric hypoxia in endurance runners: III: muscularadjustments of selected gene transcripts. J Appl Physiol (2006) 100: p 1258-1266.

Altitude Training Research and Studies:

In Spain and Australia, simulated altitude exposure is being used in ant-aging and health spas. Extensive scientific research is recently explaining these effects, but they relate to stimulating HIF-1, a powerful trigger to the body’s hormonal system.

A summary of known benefits from simulated altitude exposure

  • To compliment the changes that is happening internally e.g. cell renewal, cell metabolism, increase in collagen, elastin and fibroblasts.
  • Youth enhancing, correcting skin imbalances, increasing the lymphatic system which stimulates your immunity to minimize the risk of getting sick.
  • Increased levels of dopamine and serotonin, associated with positive mood and calmness.
  • Improved metabolic rate and free fatty acid metabolism; useful in obesity management and weight loss.
  • Enhanced hormonal responses in males (Hgh) and females (oestrogen) in the over 40 year age population.
  • Correcting hormonal balances which are a huge contributing factor to problematic skin.
  • Significant anti-oxidant effects proven reducing free radicals presence with multiple benefits (Anti-aging tissue protection).
  • Improved sleep quality, general energy levels and concentration.


Thailand Fitness Company, Fitcorp Asia Opens the First Commercial Simulated Altitude Training Center in South East Asia at The Aspire Club.

(Bangkok, December 1, 2011) Fitcorp Asia, Thailand’s leading personal training, fitness and sports performance company launches Asia’s first simulated Altitude training center at the Aspire Club in Bangkok. SAT, also known as Hypoxic training, where individuals train at simulated altitude environment at heights of 5000m above sea level forces the body to develop greater number of red blood cells to adapt to the lower levels of oxygen, improving the amount and delivery of oxygen to working muscles, improving the removal of waste products from energy production such as lactate, increasing fat loss, improving recovery and allowing individuals to work at higher intensities for longer with less fatigue.

altitude training @ aspire club
altitude training @ aspire club

Since the Mexico City Olympics, where speed and power athletes demolished world records and endurance athletes struggled, the sports performance world has spent millions in researching the benefit of training at Altitude.

In line with Fitcorp Asia’s commitment to improve results and sports performance of their clients, the opening of the SAT chamber is cutting edge to support the evolution of the industry. The chamber, at a cost of 5 million baht, was invented by the world’s leader in altitude training systems, ATS based in Brisbane Australia. ATS Thailand has introduced the systems to Thailand and plans to have 10 systems installed with leading sports industries and the Sports Authority of Thailand. IN addition to installations in Australia, ATS has systems installed

Majority of research conducted has primarily involved endurance athletes and the benefit include facilitation of fat loss, increased anaerobic threshold, faster recovery times, weight loss, and cardiac rehabilitation. Fitcorp Asia has created result driven programs to include small group training, weight management programs for the amateur athlete and fitness enthusiast as well as those looking to lose weight more effectively and prepare for trek to altitude.

“Simulated Altitude Training (SAT) has an undocumented track records of close to 100% of those heading to altitude to trek without any altitude sickness,” said Daniel Remon, founder and CEO of Fitcorp Asia and the Aspire Club.

“Aspire by Fitcorp Asia continue to revolutionize the Asian and Thai fitness industry, delivering high end result driven programs that enhance performance and introduce cutting edge concepts into the region. This is what Aspire is all about, achieve aspirations, redefining the industry and leading through innovation. This is what sets us apart and allows us the create the path for others to follow”.

We have already experienced outstanding success with altitude training, with athletes, weight management clients and trekkers in Thailand. This is an exciting arena to be a part of, where Fitcorp Asia is leading the industry in South East Asia for sports performance and cutting edge athletic development.

You can find more research from the following sources and international studies:

Training in hypoxia: modulation of metabolic and cardiovascular risk factors in men. Bailey et al. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2000 Jun;32(6):1058-66

Training-induced increases in sea-level performance are enhanced by acute intermittent hypobaric hypoxia. Meeuwsen et al. Eur J Appl Physiol (2001) 84: 283-290


For more information:

Fitcorp Asia Co., Ltd.

Aspire Building | 348/2 Sukhumvit Rd, Klongtoey, Asoke,  Bangkok

Tel: +662-229-4114, Fax: +662-229-4115

Call Center: +668-188-4114

Email: info(at)


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